Promise You Wont Hurt Yourself Again

Promise Not To Hurt Me Famous Quotes & Sayings

List of top 34 famous quotes and sayings about promise not to hurt me to read and share with friends on your Facebook, Twitter, blogs.

Top 34 Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes

Why, just lying there, Jim, you run so fast. I never saw anyone move so much, just sleeping. Promise me, Jim. Wherever you go and come back, bring lots of kids. Let them run wild. Let me spoil them, some day.
I'm never going to own anything that can hurt me. - Author: Ray Bradbury

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1064811

#2. One day Bethany the nightmares will not plague you, the hurt will not be all encompassing, and you will be able to breathe again. It does get better, I can promise you that much. - Author: Erica Stevens

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #773399

#3. Nothing in my life could prepare me for the utter devastation that three-letter word held at this moment. He had given his heart to another. Another broken promise, the one that carried the most hurt. - Author: Ashlan Thomas

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #814129

#4. I failed you that night, Cassie. I'll never forgive myself for not making sure you were safe and protected. That should have never happened to you. And it won't ever happen again. I promised you I'd never let anyone hurt you like that. Just let me keep my fucking promise to you - Author: J. Sterling

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #881269

#5. I want to promise you that I will never do anything to hurt Evan, and I will not come between him and his family. I love him, but I would walk away before I'd ever let anything jeopardize his happiness. - Author: Rebecca Donovan

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #894845

#6. Overhearing our conversation, Patrick steps closer, stroking the flogger up and down my arm. It feels so soft with the potential for pain clearly hidden. "I promise I won't hurt you. Well, unless you want me to. - Author: Lainie Suzanne

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #905213

#7. You hold on tight from now on, so tight it hurts. Got it? Don't let go of me, not ever. Don't worry about hurting me, don't worry about suffocating me, don't worry about holding on too tight. You hold on and you never let go. You'll only hurt me, I'll only suffocate, if you let go. Promise. - Author: Lindy Zart

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #955173

#8. It'll only hurt for a second. Promise ... - Author: Kresley Cole

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #984526

#9. They sealed this promise by hooking pinkies, the way they used to, long ago, when promises didn't hurt as much. - Author: Alice Hoffman

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1049655

#10. I promise to protect you, ravage you, hunt those who hurt you, and give you the life you deserve. My fortune is yours. My secrets are yours. And I will give you the corpses of the men who hurt you. - Author: Pepper Winters

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #757842

#11. I'll make you a promise, Bodee. Long as you're with my family, you won't run out of Kool-Aid." "And I promise you, I'll stop whoever's hurting you ... even if it's you. - Author: Courtney C. Stevens

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1075680

#12. I'm broken, and no one can fix it. I've tried. I'm still trying. I can't love anyone because it's not fair to anyone who loves me back. I'll never hurt you ... But I can't promise I won't pick you apart, piece by piece, until you're in a thousand pieces just like me. - Author: Jennifer Niven

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1178667

#13. Loving someone is kind of like offering forgiveness. There's no guarantee that they're not going to hurt you again. You can't promise perfection. But you choose to love and you choose to forgive, because living in fear of being hurt again is just a facsimile of life. - Author: Liz Johnson

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1190032

#14. I fucked up and hurt you. It won't happen again." His fingers tensed around my head and his deep voice dropped low. "I promise you, Kitten, it won't happen again. - Author: Kristen Ashley

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1204860

#15. It's true that I never want to hurt you. But I can't promise you that I never would -Haden - Author: Gwen Hayes

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1273785

#16. I love you, Jace. I always have, and through all my mistakes, I wanted you to know I've never said that to anyone else. Only you.Am I too late? Have you moved on? If you give me another chance, I promise to do everything in my power to never hurt you again. - Author: Kindle Alexander

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1342006

#17. I'd never, ever do anything that would hurt you. That I promise. I'm so happy that we are together right now, I can't even tell you. - Author: L.M. Trio

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #1347449

#18. We are meant to love. We are meant to lose. Love is our promise of a bittersweet end, and our desperate, hopeless struggle not to hurt anyone along the way. - Author: Courtney M. Privett

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #472686

#19. I'm giving you what I can give you, and I'm telling you in advance that you might get hurt. But it's worth it to take the risk. I can damn well promise you that it's worth it. - Author: K.A. Linde

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #91833

#20. Stop it," Adrian ordered, his strange accent thicker with his vehemence. "I promise, I'm not going to hurt you! - Author: Jeaniene Frost

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #109742

#21. No one will ever hurt you again, Travis. I promise you that. - Author: Candi Kay

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #118020

#22. I'm a man of my word, and I promise that I won't hurt her." He flexed his hands. "When I murder her, I'll do it real quick, so she won't feel a thing." Viktor - Author: Susan Elizabeth Phillips

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #203411

#23. As he left me in bed, bruised and sore, he had missed the big picture. His promise came too late. He had already hurt me. - Author: Travis Luedke

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #214088

#24. You don't know what love is until you find it," he whispered, "but when you do, promise me you won't let it go. Promise you'll seek it out even when you're scared it'll hurt. - Author: Caroline George

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #329545

#25. I promise not to hurt you, unless you try to take my shit. Then I'll twist your head off and hide it in a bush somewhere. - Author: Cedric Nye

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #335101

#26. I will never force you," he said. "I'll try never to hurt you, but no man can safely promise that. Any hurt I do to you, I will be desperately sorry for and try to repair. - Author: Kaje Harper

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #347538

#27. Aren widened his stance, his eyes locked on his twin's. "So help me, Adam, I don't want to hurt you, but if you threaten her one more time I will. That's a promise." - Hunter's Moon - Author: Lisa Kessler

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #70186

#28. I promise it'll only hurt half as much as I wish it would." The words came out as smooth and sweet as if she'd just told him that mint chocolate chip was the best flavor ice cream ever. - Author: Avery Flynn

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #519905

#29. No one will ever hurt you again," he whispered against her hair, the promise one he'd kill to keep. "You're safe. - Author: Nalini Singh

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #534282

#30. Before you know it the hurt will be gone. It won't matter as much as it does now. I promise it won't. - Author: Dean Koontz

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #604385

#31. Well?" he asked, smiling devilishly. "I promise, I won't hurt you, Nikki. In fact, I imagine you'll enjoy my company, tremendously."
I let out a ragged sigh and nodded.
He stared at my mouth. "I'd like to hear you say it."
I cleared my throat. "Come in, Ethan. - Author: Kristen Middleton

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #624183

#32. When you open yourself up to people, you let the bad in with the good. I can't promise I won't ever hurt you, Rowen. But it won't be on purpose. I will never hurt you intentionally. I can promise you that. - Author: Nicole Williams

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #659688

#33. If [black] nationalism could create a strong and effective insularity, deliver on its promise of self-respect, then the hurt it might cause well-meaning whites, or the inner turmoil it caused people like me, would be of little consequence. - Author: Barack Obama

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #690567

#34. More then me you betrayed to God Because you said Tujkh mai rab dikhta hai ( i see my God in you) - Author: Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Promise Not To Hurt Me Quotes #746084


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